If you are looking for affordable high-quality OEM Hyundai Sonata Steering Column, then you have come to the prime place. Our website provides a large amount of genuine Hyundai Sonata Steering Column at unbeatable prices. All our parts come backed with the manufacturer's warranty.
Hyundai Sonata Steering Column Parts Questions & Experts Answers
Q: How to remove and insatall the steering column on Hyundai Sonata?
A: To take out the Steering Wheel column, it is advisable to put off the vehicle, align the wheels with the path and join the battery's negative terminal with a cable. Next, take out the steering wheel and turn the key to the LOCK position to prevent the turning of the steering shaft because this will damage the airbag clockspring. Subsequently, remove the upper and lower steering column covers, then the driver's knee bolster accompanied by the metal plate within. Then, it is necessary to undo the screws of the multi-function switch popped and pull it out. Locate the position of the lower universal joint and take out the pinch bolt affixed to the joint. For the models that are from 2006 and later, remove the shaft dust cover bolts present internally in the vehicle while for 2011 and later models, the EPS electrical connectors to the motor should be disconnected. Take out the mounting nuts and bolts to delink the steering column from the U-joint. For installation, Raise the steering column and align it while at the same time engaging the intermediate shaft and install the nuts of the U-joint pinch bolt but do not tighten them as yet. Torque the column mounting nuts and the pinch bolt to the tightened torque values. Last but not least, return to the removal steps with the final step being that the airbag clockspring should be correctly centred.