About Hyundai Parking Brake Shoe
The parking brake shoes, or named emergency brake shoes, as the name shows, is used for parking brakes to function. The parking brake shoes are long curved blocks, lining with friction materials. When the parking brakes are set, the parking brake shoes extend against the brake drum or inside of the rotor to hold your Hyundai in place. Here are some symptoms indicating the parking brake shoes in your car are failing: if the parking brake doesn't properly hold the car, so your car will roll or lean when it's parked especially on inclines or hills. The other one is the parking brake shoes are severely worn so that it cannot hold the weight of your car at all. The parking brake shoes play an important role in parking safety, and if you find anything wrong with your parking brake shoes, you are supposed to stop driving and check it immediately. As for us, we are glad to offer you Hyundai genuine OEM parking brake shoes at a discounted price.