About Hyundai Blower Motor Resistor
Simply, the blower motor pushes air through the vents. And the speed of the blower motor is controlled by you via some switches, buttons and dial on the dashboard. There is a resistor inside the blower motor allowing you change the speed, and it is called blower motor resistor. Specifically, the resistor is used to reduce the fan speed in lower setting (1, 2 and 3). Owing to constant heating and cooling, and also a moisture air, the blower motor resistor can corrode one day. It is common that when you turn on the fan, the fan keeps working at high speed, but not the slow speed, to show your blower motor resistor is failing. Or, the fan doesn't work at all. You need to check it and see if the replacement is needed. Comparing the expensive labor cost in the store, you can save your money by order a Hyundai genuine OEM blower motor resistor here with a discounted price and change it by yourself.