Q: How to remove and repair the heater and related components on Hyundai Accent?
A: Before starting the involved procedure of removing and repairing the heater and related components, it's recommended to thoroughly read the following information. Sufficient time should be allocated to complete the operation. During disassembly, take notes on wiring and cable routing, as well as component locations, to aid correct reassembly. For removal, if equipped with air conditioning, discharge and recover refrigerant. Disconnect the battery's negative terminal and set the heater control to HOT, then drain the cooling system. In the engine compartment, loosen clamps and detach heater hoses from heater core connection tubes at the firewall. On models with air conditioning, disconnect refrigerant lines from evaporator connection tubes. On 1990 and later models, a special spring-lock coupling tool is needed. Remove console assemblies, dash panels, glovebox, center dash bezel, air conditioning and heater control assembly, and radio. Remove lower heating ducts, disconnect heater control cables or vacuum lines, and electrical connectors from the heater unit. On models with air conditioning, remove blower unit and air conditioning evaporator unit. Remove heater assembly, place towels or rags to catch coolant, and orient the assembly to have heater core tubes face upwards. Depending on the model year, unbolt inlet and outlet tubes and brackets, or separate heater core case halves, or remove inlet and outlet tube cover panel and slide out the heater core. For 2006 and later models, remove instrument panel and disconnect electrical connectors. Remove bolts securing heater and blower assembly to cowl and cowl cross bar assembly, and then the cowl cross bar and heater and blower units as a single assembly. Detach heater and blower assembly from cowl cross bar and remove heater core cover, then install heater core in heater unit, and install the heater and blower assembly. Reconnect electrical harnesses, heater control cables, and vacuum lines. Ensure proper routing and secure air duct connections. Install instrument panel trim panels that were removed. Verify smooth movement of the air mix lever and adjust as necessary. Fill the cooling system with the correct coolant type, and if applicable, have the air conditioning system evacuated and recharged.